aku sangat surprise when my dad bought me a power rangers cake! hahaa.. (hoping, he's still remember i'm his daughter, not a son).. hehe.. tapi for sure la ayah aku tau kan.since my house still in renovation, so kena celeb kat kitchen jela jawabnye. kehkeh.. so, quite messy lah ye.. :)

muka sangat pucat (T__T)

my little sis awin. everyday gaduh ngan dia, tapi cepat aje baik. Hehee..
BIG thanks to my family for today. :) love you eternity~
And for my beau, thanks for dozens of wishes on my fb wall. haha.. funny! can't wait to see all of you guys this coming new year! :)
besdey lu yang ke 30 ek..haha hepy besday gayah!
aww~ so sweet la ur dad
kejutan itu indah...
comey jer makan kek power ranger tu...
mai sket...
feckry: ahahaa..saje je ko...ke 23 ok! haha..tq~
sis intan: hehee..he was..:)
ms: ihihihi..tula..mmg trkjut, pasal aku bajet xdela kek sume tu..dah besar kot..hehe
kakak ina: hehehe..meh la jemput mkn skali..:)
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