Seperti sedia kala di saat last paper nk menjelma ni ade jela keje gile yg aku buat. Aiyak! Ye. Aku tau Trengganu ngan Klantan da banjir skank. Nk msuk bulan bufday aku, mmg giat la ujan ni. Hihi. (promote2).
Today, pergi bazirkn mase mngsnap pic kt Kebun Bunga. 1st time okeyh aku datang cni. Amat teruja tgok beruk2 duk jalan ngan senang ati dpan org ramai. Oh. Aku x brani nk amik pic beruk2 tu. Aku tak tau nape. Hoho.
Di sebabkn ni versi bergmbr, maknenye korg kena layan ajela pic2 kami nih. Jgn smpai termuntah ye.

Konon muncung cm Angelina Jolie. Eh. Bukan. Da tukar. Megan Fox woo. Seksi gilak lips die. Isk2. Kna carik lip balm yg shining2. Hoho.
Today, pergi bazirkn mase mngsnap pic kt Kebun Bunga. 1st time okeyh aku datang cni. Amat teruja tgok beruk2 duk jalan ngan senang ati dpan org ramai. Oh. Aku x brani nk amik pic beruk2 tu. Aku tak tau nape. Hoho.
Di sebabkn ni versi bergmbr, maknenye korg kena layan ajela pic2 kami nih. Jgn smpai termuntah ye.

Konon muncung cm Angelina Jolie. Eh. Bukan. Da tukar. Megan Fox woo. Seksi gilak lips die. Isk2. Kna carik lip balm yg shining2. Hoho.

Actually geng kiteorg xckup sorg ni. Ina. Nape la hang pi balik umah? Kalo x ley join kiteorg skali kt cni. Ish~ Ssh tol nk jumpe minah ni sorg.
Hoot! Hoot! Kami makan kt Jemputree. Asyraf open table. Katenye sempena aku da nk kuar usm. Ces. Terharu. Haha. Tqvm dude. Papepon, nyonya fried rice mmg rock. Ciput gile. Haha. Rainbow Tree mmg sdap! Ley ajak abg ngn fmly aku mkn kt cni lenkali. Tggu konvo nnti la. Hihi. Asyraf t kna conduct jalan. Maklumla. Blind Road. Hoho.
buat2 x nmpk besday ko da dekat haha..
bestnya blajo munakahat wakaka
haha..ces! saje la 2.nnti ko bg aku adiah ey. ahaha.
mmg beeeeeeezzzzzz~~~~~ kikiki..
syoknye berenjoy..
ni wak aku jeles semacam nih.
syok kejap sakit kepale balik nk ingt turutan wali..haha..
ala.jgn la jeles..ti aku gi kuala krai jemput ko jln2..:)
ek ele..dtg k.krai bkn nk jmpe aku..
knpem la kn ngan kluarga mertua...hiii
*xsbr tgu 17ribulan.mau pulang..
hehe..ak g umh mak mentua lu..
pastu ak g umh ko ye..t ko bg aku alamt umh.jgn bg alamt ospital kk da la..hehe..
ala..ak xsbr nk g lngkawi jumaat nih..lalala~ :)
Nnt pass ei semua gamba + video "JELMA" tu.. Penting tu.. Jangan bagi hilang.. Ni kenangan last ni.. Klu sempat p night market feringgi mlm tu, kira start kat situ last pun kat situ..haha..
Igt dak 1st day jumpa, asyraf cma n wani g night market??
Maka ini la penutup kisah novel yang penuh liku2.. Apehal novel ni abih camtu ja??!! hahaha
okeyh asyraf.akanku turut kata2mu.haha.nnti cma bg kat wani,pastu suh die pass kt asyraf ei..rsenye tdi die da amik sume dh..hehe..
oh..ingt2..mane mcm kat mcd je first time jmpe..haha..jgn diakhiri novel ni cmni je..asyrafnye part xabis lg..nnti gtau ending die cmne..haha..;p
Aik.. cam pelik je bunyinye cma..haha.. xleh blah.. Story2 pasni rasanya sama ja mcm skrg.. Crita ni dh jd x best dh cma xdak..haha..
Anyway, asyraf tujukan lagu Vitamin C - Graduation Song Friends Forever untuk cma.. Lagu ni la jd lagu pemisah utk kami2 dl..hehe.. Lirik dia mmg kena sgt2.. everytime dgr lagu ni confirm akan.. akan ape ye..hahaha..
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of the night in June
I Didn't know much of love, but it came too soon
And There was me and you, and then it got real blue
Stay at home talkin' on the telephone and
We would get so excited, we'd get so scared
Laughing at our selves thinking life's not fair
And this is how it feels
As we go on, we remember
All the times we had together
And as our lives change, from whatever
We will still be, friends forever
yela..nk kawen t gtau la..jgn duk wt snyap plak..haha..
oh.terharu..hehe..btw,tq 4 da song..
frend 4eva..:)
Kawen confirm r bgtau.. cma kawen dl kot.. Xdak masa nk fikir bab2 kawen ni.. Banyak lg benda nk kena cover ni..hehe..
Anyway terigt time sem mula2 kita enjoy dl.. Best gila.. Siap redbox lg..haha..
haha.itu zaman silam..bez2..1st time g redbox..huhu..kek die sedappp!!!
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