Went for her bro's big day :)

Meet pda! Sebelah Tdee tu. He is our schoolmate. Thanks for the shoot pda!

I used to manja manja with her. Our bf, jangan jeles ok? hikhik..

Membebel ape ntah saya ni. Suka cakap, tapi tak tau cakap ape. Haha.. See? She's flawless ok.. :)

fresh roses! wangi!
Thanks gojes untuk makanan dan gift. Sedap sedap! Next time, your turn. I'll wait. Hehehe..:P Dee, gotcha! Cannot breathe ey? Sian..hehee..
muka yg sembang tue muka natural o pose???
muke sembang la...tgok smangat tuh..kalo pose ayu ckit..haha..xtau tuh kwn snap..hakhak..
lu bila lagi
haih...tunggu dulu...tunggu bf masuk minang..hehe
cantiknya dia
berbaju merah..
nampak kurus
sket erkk?
zulkbo: salam..trime kasih...tapi, kurus tu sentiase...hekhek..:P
wow! suka tgk fresh roses, very inspiring :)
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